Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
Friday, 26 April 2013
Office Ideas
Furniture Friday!
Hello Everyone,
Today I have put together 5 great office ideas that I think you'll love. Check these out and leave a comment below about what you think, any ideas you have...etc. Well Enjoy!!
Curtain off the nook or a section of the house where the office is to create more privacy and separation.
For large office Ideas this one is a great one for sectioning off the desks but saving the space.You can use this idea for however many desks you need. A cubical type office works great but even just 2 side by side. Keep in mind this could be for a work building or large space for the home.
This picture is a little hard to get at first. This is a storage idea. Making the cord and loose things that hang stick to the underneath part of the desk helps prevent accidents as well as makes the room look neater.
How cute is this? Its a girls room, you can do this for your kids or even in a closet you have in anywhere in the house so that you can hide it when not in use. As well as save space outside of the closet.
This is a great idea for small spaces. The doors close to hide the area so that its not in the way when you need to get around.
Aren't those neat? I love them! Makes me think about what I want to do in my house. I hope you enjoyed them. Leave a comment and/or send me a pic of your office ideas.
And dont forget to take a look at my older posts and my site for other ideas on finance, mortgages, motivation and many other things :)
With Love:
Sites these came from and more to checkout:
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Home Made Ezekiel Bread
Home Made Ezekiel Bread
Hello all!
Todays Post comes from The prairie Homestead. The recipe is by Jill Winger. I LOVE this because not only is it the healthy, gluten free bread that we should be eating, this is also a way for us to save!! Buying this bread from the store is pricey! This way you can make it yourself, tweak it a little if you do/don't like something and SAVE! Im all about the saving. So lets get to it. Enjoy!
Don't for get to check out my older posts>>>
- 2 1/2 cups wheat grains (I use either hard red or hard white)
- 1 1/2 cups spelt
- 1/2 cup hulled barley
- 1/4 cup millet
- 1/4 cup dry green lentils
- 2 Tbs. dry northern beans
- 2 Tbs. dry kidney beans
- 2 Tbs. dry pinto beans
- 4 cups lukewarm whey (or water, the whey just adds more flavor and nutrients)
- 1 1/8 cups raw, local honey
- 1/2 cup oil (I use olive oil or coconut oil)
- 2 tsp. salt
- 2 Tbs. active dry yeast (2 packages)
- 1/2 cup milled flax seed (optional)
- 2 Tbs. dough enhancer (optional)
- 1 Tbs. gluten (optional)
- 1 egg plus 2 Tbs. water (optional, for egg wash on top)
- sunflower or sesame seeds (optional, for garnish on top)
- dried fruit (optional, for added flavor and nutrition)
1. Mix the first 8 ingredients in a bowl and grind in a flour mill. You may be required to mill the wheat separately from the beans depending on your mill’s instructions. This will make approximately 9 cups of flour.
2. In a large glass bowl mix whey (or water), honey, oil, and salt.
3. In a separate bowl mix the milled flour, yeast, milled flax seed, dough enhancer, and gluten until well combined.
4. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir or knead for about 10 minutes. This can be done by hand (I use a dough hook) or in the mixer. You do not need to knead this to death like you do normal dough bread. Remember this is a batter bread, and it will NOT form into a nice smooth ball.
5. Pour dough into greased pans (I like to grease my pans with a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil). This recipe makes 2 large loaf pans (10x5x3), 3 medium loaf pans, or 4 small loaf pans (I usually do 4 small pans). It can also be put into 2 9×13 pans.
6. Optional step: “Paint” an egg wash over the top and sprinkle sunflower or sesame seeds over the egg wash. You can also push dried fruit into the batter.
7. Cover with a towel and let rise in pans for one hour or until dough is about 1/4 inch from the top of the pan. It will overflow in the oven if you let it rise too long.
8. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-50 minutes. I use the smaller pans so it only takes 30 minutes; however, if you are using the larger pans it will take closer to 45 minutes. You can stick a thermometer in the side to check for doneness. You want it to reach 190F or for a toothpick to come out clean.
Kitchen Notes:
- If you have a sensitivity to wheat or gluten, just omit them and add more spelt, millet, lentils, or beans (garbanzo beans would work too).
- I often cut this recipe in half, it works just as well.
- You need to eat this bread within about 72 hours. This bread does not have any preservatives so it will not stay fresh as long as store bought bread. Do not refrigerate this bread. If you will not consume the loaves within 72 hours you need to slice the bread, wrap it in bakers paper, and freeze it. This way you can take out slices at a time. Let it sit out in room temperature to thaw. Do not place it in the microwave or it will lose nutrients.
- You can buy the grains and beans premixed from several trusted places online; however, I prefer to buy my own bags of dry beans and mix them myself. This is much more frugal, and it allows me the freedom to add exactly how much I want.
Thank you Lexie for that post :) Loving it! Ill have to give it a try for sure. All the best :)
With Love:
Monday, 22 April 2013
Money Saving Motivation
Welcome Beautiful Monday!
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending - Chris Bard
Hello everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Comment below telling me about your weekend, what were some of the struggles you went through? did you over come them? What is it that helps you overcome those struggles?
My weekend was pretty great. I spent time resting, a much needed rest after a busy week. My weakness was buying take out food. Although my husband and I are a lot better at getting a healthier alternative (gluten free...etc), we still could be saving that money. But I do have to say we are pretty good at the saving thing ;) haha. Im looking forward to this summer where we can enjoy the things we've been working hard towards, financially.
Ok, have a good day!!
With Love:
Friday, 19 April 2013
Outdoor Decor
Happy Friday All!!
I love the weekends and Im so excited this one is just about here. Today I thought I would give some outdoor decor ideas. It was so nice out yesterday, all I wanted to do was sit outside. So today I have some great ideas for you so that you can enjoy your yard a little more. Summer is always full of colour so you want to make sure you use it in your designs. Thank You to all the people who contributed to todays post, you can find other stuff from them down below. And for other ideas from my past posts look at the side and find all previous blogs :) Thank you!! Enjoy -Kristina-
No Trees Required.
Bright for outdoors and plant centre to keep the nature look.
Bright.Yellow to bring out the sunny feel. Modern. Mix of colour.
Headboard bench. Pant a bright colour, add pillows.
Coloured rain boots adds a splash of colour.
Ideas Came From:
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Healthy Home Made Tomato Sauce
Mid-Week Meals
Today We are featuring Flavia Delmonte's Healthy Tomato Sauce!! Thank You Flavia For this delicious recipe. Now lets dive in and take a look. Try this out and don't forget to comment below with you thoughts :)
Dont forget to checkout other posts-->>
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 small sweet onion
- 1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes
- 2 tbsp Flavia’s Italian Seasoning**
- sea salt and pepper to taste.
In a large skillet over medium heat, sauté onion until golden brown, add in garlic and cook for another minute. Stir in basil, oregano, bay leaf and crushed tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper and cook 15 to 20 minutes, until slightly thickened. Serve immediately.
** Flavia’s Italian Seasoning:
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ½ Cup Calories: 95 Carbohydrates: 10g Sodium: 150mgFiber: 2.5g Protein: 2.3g
And there you have it!! Its seems simple and quick! Made sure you make some for left overs :) Well the Best today everyone. Talk Soon.
With Love:
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Prepare for College
1) Get a Job: Be sure for the summer before heading off to college, if you do not have one already, to get a job!! Making money and saving it is one of the most important things for you to focus on this summer. Also, if you are able to work while in college and are moving to the area. Then start a search for job around there.
2) Set up a Savings Account: Having a separate account for your college savings is a great way of ensuring you are saving, as long as you are transferring the money in there and keeping it in there. Be sure to set up 'online banking' or have a banking book to keep track of your transactions as well as putting your savings into the separate accounts with each pay cheque.
3) Gather Expenses: Put together all the expenses you will need for school. Look at your tuition, your book / supplies costs, new clothing, furniture, groceries, rent...etc. Put together what you will need for the year (or at least the first semester). Once you have all this marked down (be sure to round up a little cause things always come up that you didnt think about), you can make a plan for your summer spending and saving. In one file calculate how much of each pay cheque you should be putting away and any other expenses you may be getting. In another file make a spending plan, be aware of the major events happening in the summer and calculate whether you can afford them or not. If these events are a must - do, then you will have to look at another area to cut back on, such as eating out or movies/ bowling with friends. Making a weekly budget is the easiest. its not too long to go without money if you have spend it and its short enough to remember and calculate costs.
4) Do Not use Credit Cards: They can get you trapped into thinking you have extra money. Its not true! You will have to pay it off and you'll have to do that soon, its not like a student loan where they let you wait until you are done. No you have to make minimum payments right away and the interest is brutal! In the end you are wasting money. So unless you are a smart young one with your money and you got the money to put back onto it right away, stay away from these!
5) Learn How to Cook and do Groceries: Cut down on eating out now and when you go off to school! Learning how to cook means that you wont have to feel like you need to eat out. Its much cheaper staying in to eat or bringing a lunch. Make a note of sites you find and favor them so that you can have places to refer to. Start cooking at home before you head off to college. If you find recipes and ideas you like keep them in a Recipe File. Ask mom or dad to help you being the process of learning. For groceries, I see so many students walk into a grocery store and not look at sales. They will grab the most expensive things and the most pointless things. Be a wise shopper, look at the flyers and only get what you need. Remember that during this time it is worth the sacrifice!! Remember if you don't need it, don't get it!
6) Inform Friends & Family of Savings Plan: Friends and family can hold you accountable. They will know that you should not spend money, therefore you will have someone looking out for you. They will make sure to keep the cost low and will help you to stay on track. You are also informing them not to make extravagant plans that you cannot afford. By informing them you can work together to plan things that saving money for everyone. In the end everyone wins, who doesn't like saving money?
7) Be Ready for School a Month Early: Get into the site, check out the books and supplies you need. Look into student housing and start looking at rooms. Start scoping out deals on furniture, take a look at thrift stores and ask family if they are getting rid of anything you may need. You may also want to take a brief look at the material you will be learning in school. Which classes are you taking? What can you read to get your brain going and in that school mode? If you have the chance to get involved in something that will benefit towards your school during the summer than go for it!! And don't forget you could always travel to campus for a day or two to get the feel for where things are. Where your classes will be, get to know the grounds. If you know someone there, ask them to show you around and share tips with you that they have learned.
8) Take Advantage of Public Transportation: Don't drive if you don't have to. Gas and a car is expensive so if you can find your way around that or have others offer than take up that offer to save a little more this summer. During the school year if you don't NEED a car, don't have one. Most colleges/ universities will have a bus system and many will have discounted or even free rides. You can head up there for a day or two to get the hang of using the transportation in the area of the school. Find out where the grocery stores are, the banks...etc. Get bus schedules. Think of all that insurance and gas money you'll save!!
9) Be Wise with your Loans: This IS NOT free money! The goal here is to go to school and do well. Going to post secondary school is a privilege, don't abuse it. The money you borrow will have to be pay off. And if you think about it once you are done school, you won't be entirely happy about that. You'll want to get a career, start a family, travel, do the things grown up do. So save what you can. If you have left over loan money, keep in there so that you do not have to pay it off later. I said this earlier and I will say it again... "If you don't need it, don't get it" & "It is worth the sacrifice".
10) Be Active: Start a workout regime now, this will get you feeling better and happier. Also if you are now you will be on track once school starts. You wont have to 'start working out' cause you already have been. Once you start school, you just need to fit in your already mad routine into your schedule. Look into the school facilities to see if they have a gym/ pool... etc. If not, learn how to do some exercises at home and get a couple dumbbells/ exercise ball for home that you can bring with you to your new living space during college.
I Hope you enjoyed those 10 Tips!! I've been thinking about the best ones to mark down for you!! Its that time of year when all the students are thinking about the fall semester. And for the ones who are starting for the first time, its the time of year when they know where they'll be going and start wonder and worry. I really want to get you started and help you cause I know all about the worry and stress!! If you learn to be wise with your money, your organization skills, you will know how to be on top and stay on top!! :)
Well have a good day!!
With Love:
Monday, 15 April 2013
Change Needs Consistency
For change to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent. -Tony Robbins
This is very true! I would like to relate this to finances. If you want to see change in your budget/ savings/ debt, you will have to be consistent with it and be patient because it takes time. Be sure to set a goal when setting a budget or saving for something and even paying off debt. Set a time frame and stick to it in order to see the change :)
Hope you all are having a wonderful day! Its beautiful where I am and I am loving it!!
With Love:
Friday, 12 April 2013
Bathroom Storage Ideas
Hello All,
I thought I would put together a few Images that I thought were good ideas for bathroom storage. I hope you enjoy this blog. Feel free to leave a comment below :) And dont forget to check out my previous blogs.
Bathroom Storage Ideas:
I thought I would put together a few Images that I thought were good ideas for bathroom storage. I hope you enjoy this blog. Feel free to leave a comment below :) And dont forget to check out my previous blogs.
Bathroom Storage Ideas:
My sister in law did this in her bathroom. And I think it looks good. its a great way to store toilet paper so that you always have it on hand. Wash clothes are something guests wont have to ask for. Then throw up some art work and you got a space that makes it look and feel a little more homey.
If you aren't a basket type then use hanging shelves. These don't only have to be above the toilet, you can be creative with this!
This idea is to full space and have extra storage. I found one of these type shelves at ikea. You can be creative with the shelving too.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Learn about who I work with!
Dominion Lending Centres
Dominion Lending Centres is Canada's fastest-growing national mortgage brokerage and leasing company with more than 2,200 members offering free expert advice across the country - taking the hassles out of the mortgage process and simplifying your life.
With access to more than 90 lending institutions, including big banks, credit unions and trust companies, our licensed team of mortgage professionals is familiar with a vast array of available mortgage products -- ranging from first-time homebuyer programs to financing for the self-employed to financing for those with credit blemishes.
And, best of all, Dominion Lending Centres' mortgage professionals work for you - not the lenders - to ensure you receive the best rates and products available in today's marketplace.
Whether you're looking to purchase your very first home or upgrade to a new home, renew your existing mortgage, refinance your mortgage to free up some equity, purchase investment properties or vacation homes, or lease business-related equipment, Dominion Lending Centres has a variety of products available to meet your unique needs.
Dominion Lending Centres prides itself on also offering a leasing division headed up by leasing professionals - encompassing everything from financing for large industrial equipment to used vehicles to computer systems and beyond.
Our mortgage professionals are experts in their field and many are ranked among the best nationally. For the past four years, Dominion Lending Centres has had more mortgage agents appear on the CMP Top 50 Brokers list than any other Canadian brokerage.
Launched in January 2006, the company was named Best Newcomer (Mortgage Brokerage Firm) at the CMP Canadian Mortgage Awards 2008. Dominion Lending Centres and its agents continue to win several awards at the annual CMAs, most recently earning three corporate and three individual awards, including National Broker Network of the Year, Best Advertising and Best Branding at the 2012 CMAs.
Dominion Lending Centres placed 32nd on the 24th annual PROFIT 200 ranking of Canada's fastest-growing companies by PROFIT Magazine in 2012. Ranking Canada's fastest-growing companies by five-year revenue growth, the PROFIT 200 profiles the country's most successful growth companies. In 2009 and 2010, Dominion Lending Centres appeared on the PROFIT Hot 50 lists of emerging growth companies.
*Check out my other posts :)
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Dark Chocolate Almond Butter
Dark Chocolate Almond Butter
Today I have another delicious, healthy recipe for you. Almond butter on its own is good, imagine adding chocolate to it!! Yummm. Well thank you to for this delicious recipe.
2 Cups Raw Almonds
1/3 Cup Dark Chocolate (at least 70%)
1 tsp Coconut Oil
1/8th tsp sea salt
Blend together until smooth.
This look delicious doesn't it??
This recipe is from:
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Best Financial Books to Read
Books to Read:
Him: How to get out of Debt, Stay out of Debt and Live Prosperously by Jerrold Mundis
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Her: It's Your Money by Gail Vaz-Oxlade
Women & Money by Suze Orman
Young Ones: The Money Book for the Young Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman
Money-Smart Kids by Gail Vaz-Oxlade
Monday, 8 April 2013
Saving for the Rain
Money Saving quotes
All days are not the same. Save for a rainy day. When you don't work, savings will work for you.
-M.K. Soni
For more look here-->>
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Tax Returns 2013

Did you know?
If you bought a home in 2012, you may be able to save on your taxes through the first-time homebuyers’ tax credit.
Important facts
- If you are a first-time home buyer, a person with a disability buying a home, or an individual buying a home on behalf of a related person with a disability, you may be able to claim a non-refundable tax credit of up to $750 when you buy a qualifying home.
- To qualify for the home buyer’s tax amount:
- You or your spouse or common-law partner must have purchased a qualifying home; and
- You did not live in another home owned by you or your spouse or common-law partner that year or in any of the four preceding years.
- Persons with disabilities may also qualify for this credit even if they have already owned a home. If you are eligible for the disability amount or you purchased a home for the benefit of a related person who is eligible for the disability amount, you may be able to claim the credit.
- You may also be eligible for the home buyer’s plan, which allows you to withdraw funds from your registered retirement savings plan to buy or build a qualifying home. You may withdraw up to $25,000 in a calendar year, and have up to 15 years to repay your withdrawals.
For more tax information for homeowners, go to
The Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) online services make filing even easier
The CRA’s online services are fast, easy, and secure. You can use them to file your income tax and benefit return, make a payment, track your refund and more. Sign up for direct deposit too! Your refund and any benefit or credit payments owed to you will be deposited directly into your account, putting your money into your pocket faster. For more information, go to
Check out more blogs at the side >>>^
Hi All!
I thought I would share these interesting facts with you today!! I hope you are all doing well!!
With Love:
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Tips for Making Big Decisions
Today I have some great places for you to check out. These are great ways to Save when you are face with those BIG decisions in life. How do you prepare for them? How do you deal with them when they are happening? Check out these few site I have gathered for you!!
I thought I would search some great places and spaces I have found useful and share them with you today! Click the links below to get the great blogs and website information:
Saving for College
Save while in College
75 Money Saving Tips
50 Money Saving Tips
Buying A Car
Saving money with the Do-Not-Dos
Buying a House
Money Saving Tips
8 Ways to Save
10 Ways to Save Money when Planning
10 Ways to Save $$$
Saving for When you Have a Baby
Ways for Parents to Save Money
Don't Forget to check out my previous posts at the side there >>>
You will find lots of great infomation that I have already shared about these topics and many more!!
Hope you are all doing well!!
With Love:
Monday, 1 April 2013
Money Saving Motivation -Start Doing.
Stop wishing. Start doing.
I find myself just wishing from time to time too. I think once I have this much or make this much I will get this or then I will save for that. When really I should just start now!! You may not be able to save (or whatever it is) much if you start now, but a little is better than nothing. So use this to motivate you today!! And I wish you all the best!
With Love:
Kristina Crosbie